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APC PDU Module 3 Pole 5 Wire 32A

Forsiden APC PDU Module 3 Pole 5 Wire 32A
APC PDU Module 3 Pole 5 Wire 32A (PDM3532IEC-920)

APC PDU Module 3 Pole 5 Wire 32A

  • Kapasitet 0VA
  • Produkt Tilbehør
13 407,-
10 725,60 ekskl. mva
Hovedlager Bestillingsvare Butikk Sarpsborg Bestillingsvare Butikk Sørlandssenteret Bestillingsvare Butikk Kristiansand Bestillingsvare Leverandør Forventet leveringsdato 25.02.2025

APC IT Power Distribution Module 3 Pole 5 Wire 32A IEC309 920cm

Enhance user safety with isolation at all touch points and with positive locking mechanisms that reduce the risk of accidental disconnection

Measure and monitor power consumption and usage with branch circuit monitoring and output metering, which are included at no extra cost

Access status information about the performance of the Power Distribution Module

Install factory-assembled Power Distribution Modules in under ten minutes - no tools are required

Standardization of the power distribution system across all corporate locations is easy - a variety of 1-phase and 3-phase Power Distribution Modules address the unique power requirements of data centers around the world

PDU equipment can easily be relocated to accommodate a changing data center environment.

Superior design flexibility enables a wide range of customer requirements to be addressed.

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